Monday, 23 March 2009


Witch had her first fracas with technology today...

To make things easier for online shopping, er... blogging, I decided to invest in an iphone. Apple have got this thing going where they market themselves as user-friendly. Simple. Easy to use. No fuss, no frills.

They're called Apple, for God's sake. What could be simpler, more wholesome than that? Even their playfully lower-case, sans seriff font is designed to draw you in. You trust that they're going to nurture you, simplify everything. In that font there's a promise that Apple will do all the hard stuff for you.

That in mind, I eagerly opened the package, expecting to breeze through the setup, carefree and easy like Sunday morning.

Not so.

There were no instructions, no manual, nothing. I had heard from a friend that itunes had something to do with it, so I dutifully plugged it into the computer and waited for something wonderful to happen.

Nothing did happen, apart from a warning that flashed up - something about the SIM card that I didn't understand. I panicked. What did it all mean? Eventually I managed to ascertain that I needed to insert one, so I undid the sellotape off my old phone (now totally frail and decrepit, as you can imagine), and set about putting it in the new one.

I searched for a gap, a hole, anywhere to put it, but to no avail. After about forty minutes and nearly getting the SIM card stuck in the charging socket, I was beginning to lose hope.

Eventually I found a video of how to do it on youtube. In my defence, the process requires a pin. An actual pin. How was I meant to know that? I felt stupid and cross.

There's something distinctly arrogant about a company that expects you to be a shithot IT consultant before you can even begin use its products.

1 comment:

  1. I did actually have the same problem when I bought mine.

    Apparently, there is a little piece of apparatus to help you that comes with it, attached to a piece of black card (yes, another one) which has a picture display on it.

    And as for a manual.... what on earth is that?!
