Friday 10 April 2009

Even witches get sick...

And this particular witch has a lousy, stinking, streaming cold. It's been going around the cast. Better now than on opening night, I guess, but still. I could do without it.

I pitied the girl dancing next to me today in Studio 54, the opening of the show. Think high-energy, body-popping, 70s disco with lots of spins and head rolls and you'll get an idea of how much potential flying snot there could be. I had to sniff hard every time I pirhouetted to avoid such a situation.

We got to the end of the show this afternoon - apart from the finale, which is still being fiddled around with. Alan Menken popped in (I know, chickens - I'm so showbiz) and left just as quickly. We've got a photo shoot tomorrow - no idea what it's for, but I'll let you know as soon as I do. Hope this cold clears up a bit.

Sorry it's a short one, witchlings, but I really rather need my bed tonight. I'll try and get some pics for you of tomorrow. Night night.


  1. I hope you feel better soon - I had 2 colds on the trot over Christmas last year but I suppose at this time of year it's even worse.

  2. Thank you! I'm feeling much better today, thanks. Will just relax today. All the other nuns have got the cold now. Oops!
