Monday 27 April 2009

Last-Minute Changes

Witch apologises for the lack of info lately. We've been working twelve-hour days and I really don't know my arse from my elbow at the moment.

So, what's been going on? Well, the big news is that the opening number of the show is potentially cut. I'm not sure how it will be replaced, but the existing one is almost certainly out.

Of course, there have been a few annoyed mutterings from cast members - understandably, as many of them have lost a number - and whisperings of how the show will begin without Studio 54. Are they going to replace it? Or just adapt the show without it?

We start previews in little over a week.

At first I felt more than a small stab of panic. How would I learn (and manage to get right) an entire new number in just a few days? It has taken weeks to get the rest of the show together. We haven't got a lot of time.

But then I thought about it. How lucky am I to be part of something where the people in charge are not afraid to lose something that's not working? It's a cliche, but they're making a brave decision for the "greater good" of the piece.

Shows in the past have suffered because the creatives panic during the tech.

We open in a few days. It's too late to change anything.

Things get left as they are for fear of not getting the show finished on time and everything becomes all rather...well, average.

We may be running behind, but we're going to have the best show at the end of it. I have faith.


  1. As the saying goes...

    "Musicals aren't written, they are re-written".

  2. Hey, just wanted to wish you good luck for tonight! I can't wait to go and see it! Charlotte :)
